When you see roofers on your neighbor’s roof, it’s probably time to get yours inspected.
A Past Customer
A past customer called us out for an inspection due to the latest hail storm. We found that they did have hail damage. When their next-door neighbor heard, they asked us to do an inspection on their roof. We did and found the same result.
If Your Neighbor’s Roof Is Getting Replaced
If your neighbor’s roof has been damaged by a hail storm, yours probably has too. When you see your next-door neighbors or close neighbors getting their roofs replaced, it’s easy for us to come by and take a look at yours.
How To Tell For Sure
It just takes a few minutes for us to take a quick look, but this can save you thousands of dollars. Many people have no idea they have hail damage until they get their roof inspected.
Any time you are in doubt, have a roofer inspect your roof. You may have hail damage, you may not. We will tell you exactly where you stand. It’s always better to know!
Your Next Step
Reach out to us. We’ll be happy to look at your roof for free.